Making the American dream better...
Our Partners

Join the fastest growing mortgage brokerage
48 states and counting ! Sell industry
leading products in almost
every state.
Over 90 wholesale lenders already
to work with you to close deals
in under a week.
Over 800 MLOs have made the switch.
Don’t waste another minute on
Loan Officer island.
Why NEXA Mortgage
Our Mission
- 𝟙 Support
- 𝟚 Products
- 𝟛 Marketing & Technology
- 𝟜 Processing
- 𝟝 Benefits
- 𝟞 Compensation
- 𝟟 NEXA Mortgage
- 𝟠 Video Support
- 𝟡 Low Rate Lender
ully automated marketing to consumers, Fully automated marketing to referral partners, Fully automated processing (lastest in the business)With our full-time always on marketing team ready to assist you with all of your video and online marketing needs. We have more available marketing materials than you can handle.
ully automated marketing to consumers, Fully automated marketing to referral partners, Fully automated processing (lastest in the business)With our full-time always on marketing team ready to assist you with all of your video and online marketing needs. We have more available marketing materials than you can handle.
Our average CTC is 14 days and we are pushing that to be even faster. NEXA Mortgage has an amazing processing platform and is by far one of the most amazing pieces of NEXA Mortgage.
NEXA Mortgage is a business of people independently working together to provide all of the benefits you can expect from a fortune 500 company. (Medical, dental, matching 401k, , life insurance, etc.)
We offer super low interest rates Stop saying you sell service and not rates, when you and I both KNOW you can sell low rates AND service (processing, loan scenario, marketing, even AE’s and UW support from our top lenders ALL One Click away.
Towards the end of 2017 Mike Kortas and Mat Grella left the correspondent lending world and set off on their journey to build greatest mortgage company around, focused entirely on the satisfaction of our loan officers as the absolute core priority of the company.
Our Live face-to-face video support is click away so stop writing emails. You get ALL your answers (processing, loan scenario, marketing, even AE’s and UW support from our top lenders ALL One Click away! You can’t beat that!
From the highest splits in the business, to long-term residual income into retirement. We have designed NEXA Mortgage for your success. No risk and unlimited potential.
NEXA Mortgage Benefits
4 Major Plans
All comply with
- High Deductible
- $30 co-pay
- $40 co-pay
- Event based
The ONLY pure Broker with all major benefit plans
See how much more you can earn.
Still on the Fence?

- 01/2019 = 42 MLOs
- 04/2019 = 100 MLOs
- 04/2020 = 600
- 04/2021 = 1000 MLOs
- 10/23/2021 = 1375 MLOs
- 04/2020 = 600 MLOs

Join the healthy revolution today.

Why NEXA Mortgage

Start at NEXA Mortgage and your support will never be unmatched with our always available support teams. Our support staff is online all day ready to assist with your immediate needs. Systems & Technology support. Lender/Scenario support, Human Resources support, Payroll/Accountig support On-boarding support.

No more sending clients away because of overlays or products. You will enjoy the freedom and flexibility of every product possible. From FHA, Conventional, VA, USDA, DPA, Commercial ETC.

Marketing & Technology
Fully automated marketing to consumers, Fully automated marketing to referral partners, Fully automated processing (lastest in the business)With our full-time always on marketing team ready to assist you with all of your video and online marketing needs. We have more available marketing materials than you can handle.

Our average CTC is 14 days and we are pushing that to be even faster. NEXA Mortgage has an amazing processing platform and is by far one of the most amazing pieces of NEXA Mortgage.



Towards the end of 2017 Mike Kortas and Mat Grella left the correspondent lending world and set off on their journey to build greatest mortgage company around, focused entirely on the satisfaction of our loan officers as the absolute core priority of the company.


Low Rate Lender
From the highest splits in the business, to long-term residual income into retirement. We have designed NEXA Mortgage for your success. No risk and unlimited potential.